Charles457's Blog

This Blog Is For People Who Want To Grow A Successful Business Online

My Belief’s On Being Rich

Working 10 to 20 Hours a Week

As much as we would like for this to be the case, it just isn’t possible, at least not initially. Eventually, after you have established a good team of workers you can trust to run things effectively it may be possible. Realistically you are looking at 50 to 60 hour weeks, when you first start out. That is if you expect to make millionaire status in less than 1 year. It is however possible to make really good money working these kinds of hours. Noone ever said you had to be a millionaire. Six figures is a lot of money, especially if it is invested wisely.

Just Selling Other Peoples Products in Already Saturated Markets

This is part of the eBooks, electronics, etc. demographic. Yes you can sell things like that and make good money, more than you would make at your day job if implemented correctly. You won’t become a millionaire from it, because there are just too many people already doing what you are doing. The guy/gal selling you on being a millionaire from this has been doing it from the beginning or at least a very long time. Yet, this is possible after several years of marketing efforts and developing your business have paid off. In this type of market you are still looking at 60 hour weeks for at least a few years. Well that is, unless your pockets are already bottomless pits full of money.

Just From Drop Shipping Products or Re-Selling Wholesale or Liquidation Products

You are going to have to implement a lot of strategies if you are going to sell products. You are going to have use every possible avenue of getting the cheapest products. You will have to sell drop shipped, liquidated, and wholesale products. You definitely won’t become a millionaire in twelve months from this. If you combine all of those strategies, then eventually you could become a millionaire from this. But like I mentioned above it is going to take working long hours and getting marketing efforts to pay off for that strategy to work.

Just Selling Products on eBay

eBay is a wonderful place to sell products, but without your own website also selling those products, you are in trouble. You won’t make enough on eBay to become a millionaire. The reason for this is because just about anything you think of is being sold on eBay. Yes you can find niches to exploit and things like that, but by the time you throw in listing fees, seller fees (ebay store, etc.) and other fees they throw at you, you are making a low income per product. After years of selling on eBay it is possible to reach millionaire status, but it takes a lot of work. The only advantage you have from using eBay is the amount of traffic their site gets. If you know how to leverage that traffic into sales, then yes it would be possible to become a millionaire from this strategy.

By Never Creating Your Own Products

This is more for the information products demographic. You are going to have to create your own products if you plan on making any real money. There are so many re-hashed products out there, that the only way to make serious money is to become a flat out expert in something and put your own spin on that knowledge. In other words, just create a niche out of thin air. I call it the “me, myself, and I” niche. You essentially put a touch on a product that noone else can. Most over night millionaires are made by some original product or idea they created. By over night I mean less than 1 year. So if you think being somones affiliate is going to get you there, you are mistaken. Most products released are first pushed down to the major JV partners in a deal, and they market it to their list. By the time you get around to being able to market it, the market is already close to saturation of that product.

Never Dealing With People i.e. Customer Service

You are going to have to get used to the fact that you will at some point have to deal with people. This will either be by phone, email, fax, or whatever method you have setup to communicate with your customers. This is just going to be part of the job. However, if you present yourself with the right products and right attitude you will have fewer customer service issues. Even though the idea of “AutoPilot” income is marketed like crazy, it is fiction. No income is automatic, you have to deal with a lot of factors to keep that income flowing in. This could be marketing or customer service or any number of other things. Adsense is about the closest thing to automatic income there is, but you still have to deal with things like SEO and CTR when you are doing that.

Just by using Adsense or Similar Programs

It is possible to become a millionaire from adsense, but you are going to have to know what you are doing with SEO, Traffic Generation, and several other factors. It is probably not possible in 12 months. It would probably take a few years to accomplish this task. Could you do this in one year? Anything is possible, but so is winning the Powerball Lottery Jackpot.

By Investing Little to No Money or Time at All

(you are probably on crack if you believe that one)

You are not going to get anywhere without investing something. Money will be the first thing you’ll have to invest. You are also going to have to invest a lot of time in learning about whatever method you are trying to use to make money online. You will have marketers pitching you these turnkey internet marketing systems, but they don’t exist. A lot of MLM marketers love this. They sell you on an idea of unlimited wealth from their “system”. They forget to mention that the only real way you will make money from this “system” is by selling other people on this “system”. Yes you could make money from whatever you are selling, but you almost always have to sell someone else on their system to make any money with it. I can’t speak for everyone, but I believe a lot of people are sick of these types scams. Yes, they may re-label it and call it “Network Marketing” nowadays, but it is just the same face with a different name.

By Not Knowing Any “Techie” Stuff

You are going to have to know about a lot of techie stuff, or you are going to have to pay someone to do it for you. Even if you pay someone, I don’t recommend it. You need to know a little, not a lot about every aspect of your business, especially the techie stuff. You need to know this, because if you lose your know it all techie, then who is going to make that techie stuff work? You don’t have to know all of the techie stuff, but it would pay you to know a little about HTML and web development. If you are doing business on the internet you need to know about how to make payments safe, or how to process payments at all on your site. I could write a whole article on the things you need to know about in this department. Noone said you had to do this work, but at least learn the tools so you know what that techie is doing, in case you have to explain it to a new techie.

By Tyring to Do it All By Yourself

(This is not possible at all)

I don’t know of any one person that has become a millionaire and did it all by themselves. They either had a mentor, or a partner or someone else that has helped them in some way. Even if you could do it all by yourself you are going to be working very long hours to do it. You hear of bloggers and forum owners making an absolute killing from their adsense and whatever else they have wrapped up in their site’s package. But you also hear of them working 12 hour days to keep it going. If you are one of those people that complained about working overtime at your dayjob, this is what you have to look forward to if you try to become a millionaire by yourself.

Figuring Things Out and Aces Up the Sleeves

Yes there are factors that could trump anything I have said in this article, but for the most part it is true. Big gurus will sell you on a pipe dream, and they will paint it up like it isn’t a get rich quick scheme. In the end, it is still a get rich scheme, even if it isn’t quick. If you put a lot of hard work, research and development, and marketing into your business then you will eventually be able to become a millionaire. It just won’t be easy. It is easy to make a decent living from the internet, but it isn’t easy being a millionaire at it.

July 24, 2009 - Posted by | How To Grow Your Business | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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